
Exploring Baseline and Milestone Tasks

This article provides an explanation of the features of tasks the baselines and milestone tasks. Skip Ahead to: Baseline Task Milestone Task Baseline Task By saving baseline task information, at later points throughout the project, you can compare current progress against the initial plan. Saving the baseline is thus essential for meaningful project tracking and […]

Task Plan Overview

This article aims to provide you with a comprehensive overview of the Task Plan and layout of the Tasks section. Skip Ahead to: Task Plan Overview Customize the Tasks View Tasks Section Layout Task Plan Closure Overview Task Plans are used to divide the scope of the project into multiple concurrent or time-phased streams of […]

Working with Tasks Section

This article aims to provide you with a comprehensive overview of the Tasks section of the Task Plan and its features.   Skip Ahead to: Overview Tasks Section Features Overview The Tasks section or tab displays a list of tasks available in the Task Plan. From this section, you can add, modify, or delete tasks, […]

How to Customize the Task Plan View

Overview On checking out the Tasks Plan, the columns are based on the fields selected in the Table view. The columns in the task listing will be always as per their ordering as well as the visibility of columns in the table view. Tasks are shown with a particular hierarchy level and on scrolling through […]

Simple Scheduling

This article provides an overview of simple scheduling and its options. It also explains how to create a task plan and the tasks within it. Skip Ahead to: Overview Toolbar Options Adding Task Plan and its Tasks Tracking Time through Timesheet Tracking Time Manually Overview Simple Scheduling is best suited for small to medium-scale projects […]

How to Schedule Tasks in a Project

Overview This will help you understand how task scheduling takes place in a project. Many a time, the project automatically moves a task to a different time than expected, or changing a value of a task (let’s say task constraint) changes the task scheduling. Let’s understand how project scheduling works and how other factors affect […]

How to Set Critical Path Tasks

This article aims to provide you with the concept of the Critical Path, including how to identify Critical Path tasks and how to effectively manage them. Skip Ahead to: Overview What is Slack/Float? What is a Critical Path? What does the Critical Path show? How is a Critical Path calculated? How to shorten the Critical […]

How Task Dependencies Impact Project Schedule

This article provides valuable insights into task dependencies and outlines the steps to link and delink tasks in advance scheduling. Skip Ahead to: Overview How do Task Dependencies affect the Project Schedule? Steps to Link Tasks Steps to Remove Links Overview The predecessor is the activity whose start or finish affects the start or finish […]

How to View Task Constraints

This article provides insights into Task Constraints and Task Dependencies in advance scheduling. Skip Ahead to: Task Constraints Overview Steps to Change the Constraint Type Conflict between Constraint and Dependencies Steps to Add a Constraint for a Task How to Remove a Constraint from a Task Task Constraints Vs Task Dependencies Overview You can control […]

How to Select the Task Type

This article describes how to select the Task type and its impact in the context of advance scheduling.   Skip Ahead to: Overview Steps to Select Task Type Impact of Task Types on Schedule Examples of Changing the Task Types Working in a Hybrid Work Management Model using Hybrid Tasks Working with Linked Plan Tasks […]