What's New

What’s New 7.15

Represent Values of Drop-down Fields with Icons You can now set icons to represent values for your drop-down fields, making it easier to interpret information at a glance. This enhancement provides instant visual recognition of the values when viewing them on workitems be it in the List view or the Board view.

What’s New 7.14

Conduct Retrospectives with NimbleRetro! With the Retrospectives option now in Nimble, you can seamlessly navigate to NimbleRetro to run your retrospectives online. Collaborate with your team, uncover root causes with the 5 Whys method, and create actionable insights. Plus, easily transfer action items back to Nimble to ensure follow-through and continuous improvement. Learn more here.

What’s New 7.13

Biometric Authentication in Nimble Mobile App We’ve made it easier and more secure to log into Nimble mobile with Biometric Authentication. Now, you can use fingerprint or facial recognition (depending on your device’s capability) to quickly and safely access the app. Learn more here.                

What’s New 7.12

This release is focused on providing greater reliability so that you get a smoother experience across the application. We will soon be back with another release.

What’s New 7.11

Dynamic Date Criteria in Pivot Table The Pivot Table widget in Nimble Analytics now offers the following key improvements to remove the need for frequent and manual updates to the date criteria: Dynamic Date Range: Users can now set dynamic date ranges such as Current Week, Current Month, Current Quarter, and more so that the […]

What’s New 7.10

Indent/Outdent Multiple Tasks at a Time! Previously, you could only indent or outdent a single task at a time, which was somewhat cumbersome. Now, you can easily indent or outdent multiple tasks simultaneously, allowing you to plan tasks quickly. Manual Progress Tracking in Simple Scheduling Along with timesheet-based progress tracking, we now provide the option […]

What’s New 7.9

Reminder to Save Your Baseline We have now added a reminder that prompts you to save your Current Baseline before checking out a Task Plan second time onwards. This makes sure you don’t miss baselining your Task Plan for effective progress tracking. Example: Schedule & Effort Deviation metrics require Current Baseline information to compute the […]

What’s New 7.8

Organize Data with Customizable Grids You can now add a Data Grid to your forms, making organizing information in a structured table format easier. Both grid and cell-level settings are customizable, allowing you to adjust background colors, alignment, and more. You can also merge or split cells to create complex data structures tailored to your […]

What’s New 7.8.0

Simplified Progress Tracking of Task Plans Now you can track the progress of your Task Plans easily without viewing the Task list. The new fields like Work Complete (%), Planned and Actual Start, and Finish dates & Effort, show data at the Task Plan level. You can use them to easily track overall progress directly […]

What’s New 7.7

In this release, we’ve provided you an option to view your project financials at a glance and quickly view people utilization. Monitor Your Projects’ Key Financial Details You can now monitor your projects in Analytics more effectively by plotting three essential financial details: Allocated Budget, Allocated Cost, and Actual Cost. These fields provide a bird’s-eye […]