In this article, we will help you understand how to add a product marketing activity.

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Steps to Add a PM Activity

Default Sections in PM Activities Form

Common Operations to Manage PM Activity


The Product Marketing Activities is a comprehensive solution for guiding the positioning, cost, and promotion of your product. It provides a structured approach to taking your product from development to launch and targeting new audiences and markets.  Whether you’re a product marketer, marketing manager, or part of a startup team, it provides a straightforward way to streamline your product marketing efforts and achieve your business goals.

Note: This menu is only available for the Product Marketing template.

PM Activities


In the left navigation panel, expand the Recent Projects menu and select any project. Hover over the Project breadcrumb at the top, expand the Execute module, and select PM Activities.

Steps to Add a PM Activity

  1. Click the ADD button.
  2. Enter the relevant attributes about the creation of a PM Activity:
      • Name: Enter an appropriate title for the PM Activity to easily identify it.
      • Card Owner: Assign a card owner for the PM Activity.
      • Description: Provide a brief description of the PM Activity.
      • Allocated Budget: Enter the allocated budget for PM Activity.
  3. Fill in the other remaining attributes and click the SAVE button.

Default Sections in PM Activities Form

The default sections appearing for a PM Activity are Details, Linked Cards, Comments & Attachments, and Activity Log.

Once the PM Activity is created, the following tab is visible:

  • Details: The Details section displays, gathers, and tracks all information related to the PM Activities.
  • Linked Cards: It helps you to set parent-child hierarchy and the relationship between themes/epics and workitems and trace them while working with them. For more information, click here.
  • Comments & Attachments: The members can add comments related to the project item which are then listed in the Comments section. When a project item requires more data for reference, you can attach files that can be downloaded, edited, and uploaded. For more information, click here.
  • Activity Log: The Activity log displays the list of operations in reverse chronological order for activities performed such as updating, closing, reopening, etc. In the Activity Log, you can view the various versions and the differences between the two versions of a workitem. For more information, click here.
  • System Fields: All system fields or uneditable fields are listed in the System Fields segment. To know more, click here.

Common Operations to Manage PM Activity

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