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Rendering of Roadmap Summary Widget

Plotting of Planned Bar and Actual Bar

Dependency View in the Roadmap Widget

Minimized View of Roadmap Summary Widget

Plotting of Roadmap Summary View in Different Scenarios


While working on large products, a product owner often works on more than one project initiative (like themes and epics in our case). While developing big initiatives parallelly, it becomes challenging to remember their scheduled duration and deadline. Also, if any feature is getting delayed for some reason, then it becomes difficult to measure that delay which may cause serious repercussions.

To handle these kinds of situations, which are quite common in product management, it becomes very important to have a visual overview of the schedule of your project initiatives along with their deadline. And that is where the Roadmap Summary Widget can help you.

The Roadmap Summary widget offers you a visual overview of your initiatives’ progress at a glance in a precise way. It helps you see which workitem/Release/Sprint is planned for what duration, and how it is progressing. Also, based on the current pace of the workitem’s progress, it shows the potential slippage in its completion so that you can take necessary actions on time

With the Roadmap Summary widget, you can view the following information:

  • The various project initiatives like Theme, Epic (along with their child workitems), or Delivery Cadences like Release or Sprint.
  • The planned duration of each workitem/release/sprint
  • The actual progress of each workitem/release/sprint against the planned duration.
  • When each workitems begins and ends
  • Any potential delay in the completion of the workitem
  • Percentage of work done till current date
  • Percentage of slippage in completion (if any)
  • The predicted end date of a workitem if it is getting delayed

To summarize, the Roadmap Summary widget shows you the current status of your workitems or Releases/Sprints against how it was planned so that you can take necessary action to ensure the timely delivery of your product.

Rendering of Roadmap Summary Widget

On the left of the widget is the hierarchy of the workitem or release (whichever is selected in the filter panel) and along the top is a timescale in weekly (for release) or bi-weekly (for workitems) format. If the workitems in the hierarchy are from multiple projects, then the legend for each project is shown above the hierarchy. And the workitems are highlighted with their project legend to show which project they belong to. If the workitems in the hierarchy are from the same project, then no legend will be shown.

Note: The legends will be shown only if the Roadmap Summary widget is opened in the Maximise view.

Against each workitem or release, two bars get plotted. The position and length of the bar reflect the start date, duration, and end date of the workitem. The left end of a bar represents the start date and the right end of the bar represents the end date. The vertical blue line shows the current date as the entire widget gets plotted with respect to the current date only.

Planned bar

The first/upper bar (in grey color) against a workitem is the Planned Bar which shows the planned duration of the workitem. The Planned start date and Planned Finish date are plotted according to the values entered in the Planned Start and Planned Finish date fields on that workitem. Clicking the Planned bar opens the detail view of the workitem.

You can edit the Planned Start date and Planned Finish date of a workitem by adjusting the start point and end point of the planned bar respectively. To modify the planned dates, hover over the start or end point of the planned bar and drag the modifier on the widget to set the new date.

 Actual Bar

The second/lower bar (in green color) against each workitem is the Actual bar which shows the actual progress of the workitem.

 Actual Start Date

The Actual Start date is the date on which the workitem starts getting executed. This Actual start of a workitem depends on the card % complete preference set for that workitem.

If the “% Complete Preference” for the Card Type is “Manual” or “Percentage of ToDos Completed” or “Percentage of ToDo Effort Completed” then the Actual Start Date is whichever of the following two dates are earlier:

  1. Earliest approved timesheet entry date against the ToDos of that workitem OR
  2. First movement of that workitem into an “In-Progress” type of column on the Execution Board.

Note: Whatever is the earliest movement into an “In Progress” column across other lanes is considered for the Actual Start date for the workitem.

If the Card Type “% Complete Preference” preference is “Child Percent Progress”, then the Actual Start date is derived from one of its child cards which have the earliest date based on the above-mentioned points- A or B.

Actual End Date

The Actual End Date is the date on which the workitem is completed and moved to the ‘Done’ type column on the Execution Board.

Percentage inside the Actual Bar

The percent shown inside the actual bar shows how much work of that workitem is done. The Percentage of the work is measured according to the ‘Card % Complete’ preference selected for that workitem in the Execution Board.

For example, if the Card % Complete preference selected for the workitem is “Child Percent Complete”, then the work percentage on the actual bar will be calculated according to its closed children cards. Similarly, if the Card % Complete preference is “Percentage of My Card ToDo completed” “Percentage of My Card ToDo Effort completed” or “Manual”, the work percentage will be shown as per the count of closed ToDos or effort logged against closed ToDos or manual percentage respectively.

If the workitem starts after its Planned Finish date, then the work is considered as a 100 % spillover, and the actual bar is shown in red with its percentage on it.

Slippage Bar and Predicted End date

If the actual progress of the workitem does not go according to the Planned bar and the work gets stretched beyond the Planned Finish date then the Roadmap Summary widget predicts the slippage in the completion of the workitem and shows the Predicted End date in red color next to the bar.

Predicted End Date = (Current Date – 1) + (Days Required to Complete at Current Velocity)

Where “Days Required to Complete at Current Velocity” = Total Open Cards / Current Velocity

Note: Predicted End date is displayed only if at least 25 percent work of the workitem is done.

Slippage percentage at the end of the Bar

The slippage percentage of a workitem is measured according to the delay in finishing the work against its planned date. It is shown in red color next to the predicted end date.

The slippage percentage is calculated as given below:

Slippage Percentage =    No. of days delayed /Planned Duration of the Agile Workitem X 100


No of days delayed (for a closed card) = Actual End Date – Planned End Date

No of days delayed (for an open card) = Predicted End Date – Planned End Date

Plotting of Planned Bar and Actual Bar

Plotting of Planned Bar

Plotting of the Planned Bar depends on the value of the Planned Start Date and Planned Finish date of the workitem. If any of these values are not present, then the Plotting of the bar is impacted as mentioned below –

Planned Start Date

Planned Finish Date

Planned Bar

Available Available If the planned start and end dates are available, then the planned bar will be in grey as per their dates as shown against EPC4 in the hierarchy in the image below.

Available Not Available If the Planned Start date is available and the Planned Finish date is not available, then the planned bar will start from the planned start date and fade out towards the Planned Finish as shown against EPC3.

Not Available Available If the planned start date is not available and the Planned Finish date is available, then the planned bar will start with a gradient/faded color and end on the Planned Finish date on the Roadmap Summary widget as shown against EPC2.

Not Available Not Available If both the Planned Start date and Planned Finish dates are not available, but Sprint dates are available, then the sprint start date is considered as the Planned Start date and the Planned Finish date is considered as the sprint end date, so the planned bar is plotted as per the sprint duration.

if the workitem is also not tagged to a sprint but a release then the Release start date is considered as the Planned start date and the Release end date is considered as the Planned Finish date and the planned bar is plotted accordingly.

Plotting of Actual Bar

Plotting of the Actual Bar depends on the value of the Actual Start Date and Actual End date or Predicted End date of the workitem. If any of these values are not present, then the Plotting of the bar is impacted as mentioned below –

Actual Start Date

Actual End Date

Actual bar

Available Available

If the workitem has started and completed without any delay as it was planned, then the bar will be in the green color. The actual start and end dates of the workitem will be shown at both ends as shown in EPC2 and EPC3 in the above image.

Available Not Available

If the Actual start date is available but the end date is not available as the workitem has not been completed, then the actual bar starts with the actual start date and gets plotted till the current date and after the current date, it starts fading.

But if the workitem is 25 percent or m is completed, then the Roadmap Summary widget will predict its end date according to the current pace of the workitem and show the predicted end date instead of the actual end date as shown in EPC4.

Not Available Not Available If the workitem has not started and hence both the Actual start date and End date are not available, then the actual progress bar will not be plo, tested and instead the text <Work has not started> will be shown.

Dependency View in the Roadmap Widget

The dependency view in the Roadmap widget helps you see the dependencies between workitems present on the board. The dependencies among the workitems are represented by the dependency links.

The workitem which is dependent on the other workitem is called the Successor and the workitem on which the other workitem is dependent is called the Predecessor.

The color of the dependency lines is drawn according to the dates (Done date, Due date, Sprint date, and Release date) available on the workitems. To know more about the dependency links and their color, read here.

1. The Dependency links are drawn the on Planned bar further the predecessor workitem towards the successor workitem.

2. If a workitem’s predecessor or a successor is not present on the board, then it will show the count of the predecessor workitem on its left and the count the of successor workitem on its right side.

3. Clicking the count of dependency will open the Dependency view of the main workitem.

4. If a predecessor or successor of a workitem is collapsed in the hierarchy, then too, the count of predecessor and successor workitem is shown on its left and right side respectively.

Minimized View of Roadmap Summary Widget

The minimized view of the Roadmap Summary widget shows the Planned and Actual bar of the parent workitem in the hierarchy.

It is represented in a clock form where dates are plotted on the 12 o’clock point, 6 o’clock point, and at the middle of four quarters so that the date range of Planned and Actual Bar can be estimated easily.

The 12 o’clock point of the clock is considered as the Start point for Planned Start and Actual Start date (whichever is earlier). And the 6 o’clock point is considered as the Endpoint for the Planned Finish and Actual Finish date. But if there is a slippage in the workitem, then the Planned Bar is adjusted in such a manner that the slippage doesn’t cross the middle of the third quarter in the widget.

In the middle of the chart, the actual percentage and slippage percentage are shown.

With no slippage – With minimal slippage – With Significant slippage –

Plotting of Roadmap Summary View in Different Scenarios

1. When the Planned Start date and the Planned Finish Date are available, if the Actual Start Date is later than the Planned Start date, and the Predicted End date shows slippage in the completion,  then the widget will be plotted as given below –

2. When the Planned Start date and the Planned Finish Date are available and the Actual Start Date is earlier than the Planned Start date, and the Predicted End date shows slippage in the completion,  then the widget will be plotted as given below –


3. When only the Planned Finish Date is available and the Actual Start Date is earlier than the Planned Finish date, and the Predicted End date doesn’t show any slippage in the completion,  then the widget will be plotted as given below –

4. When only the Planned Start Date is available and the Actual Start Date is earlier than the Planned Start date, and there is no  Predicted End date,  then the widget will be plotted as given below –

5. When only the Planned Start Date is available and the Actual Start Date is later than the Planned Start date, and there is no  Predicted End date,  then the widget will be plotted as given below –

6. When only the Planned Start Date is available, if the Actual Start Date is later than the Planned Start date, and there is no Predicted End date,  then the widget will be plotted as given below –

7. When the Planned Start date and the Planned Finish Date are available and the Actual Start Date is later than the Planned Finish date, and there is no Predicted End date,  then the widget will be plotted as given below –

8. When the Planned Start date and the Planned Finish Date are available, if the Actual Start Date is later than the Planned Finish date, and the Predicted End date shows slippage in the completion,  then the widget will be plotted as given below –

9.When the Planned Start D e  and Planned End date are available and the Actual Start Date is later than the Planned Start date, and there is very high slippage in the predicted End Date, then the widget will be plotted as given below –

10. When the Planned Start Date and Planned End date are available and the Actual Start Date is later than the Planned Start date, and the Current date is later than the Planned Finish date,  then the widget will be plotted as given below –

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