In this release, we’ve made changes to menu names under the Configure menu at the project level and new Form 2.0 capabilities.

Enable System Fields in Form 2.0 Cards

You can now view all system-generated fields in Form 2.0 cards by enabling the System Fields tab. This will help you track the other information of the card such as Date Created, Date Closed, Status, etc.

System Fields

Create a Form 2.0 Card with All Information

Earlier, you could only enter information in the Details tab while creating a card, with other tabs becoming accessible only after adding the card. Now, you can enter information in all tabs of the cards – such as ToDos and Comments – while creating the card. This helps to simplify the card creation process by providing all information upfront.


Hide/Display Field Labels in Form 2.0

In Form 2.0, you can now choose to hide field labels for the input fields and have separate labels for those fields . This helps you put descriptive labels to your input fields, which are visible upfront.


Renamed Menus Under Configure

We have renamed a few menu names under the Configure menu at the project level.The updated menu names are: Access Configuration is now Access Control, Form Configuration is now Forms, and Form 2.0 Configuration is now Forms 2.0.


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