
Reviewing a Demand Based on Scenarios

The Portfolio Manager can create different scenarios to see which demands should be prioritized over the others. These business scenario helps sort the demands that serve the specific business purpose. For example, if you want to select the demands whose implementation cost is in a specific range, then you can create a scenario for that. […]

Tracking the Progress of Demands

Once your demand is approved and is in the execution phase, you can see the progress of the demand to know its exact status . To know the progress of the demand, perform the following steps – Open the demand. Click the  Progress Details button juts below the demand name. The Progress Details dialog box […]

Sharing a Demand with Others

You can share your demand with other personas such as demand collaborator, portfolio manager etc to seek their input, get the demand validated or reviewed. Sharing a Demand with Collaborators You (as a Demand Sponsor) can share your demand with multiple collaborators with the help of Collaboration pane. Once you draft your demand and put […]

Demand Review by Portfolio Manager

Once the Demand Sponsor publishes a demand, it goes to the Portfolio Manager for review and approval. The Portfolio Manager can validate the information mentioned in the demand, communicate with expert panelists to see their review, feedback, and rating on the demand and can accordingly approve or reject a demand.  The PM can also send […]

Creating a Demand

Introduction The Demand Sponsor can create a demand and forward it to the Portfolio Manager for its approval.  The demand can also be shared with Demand Collaborator for suggestions or validation. Once the demand is drafted, it is shared with the PM for review and approval of budget to get executed. You can create a […]

Demand Overview

Introduction A demand is any request for funding within an organization for a new idea / initiative, as well as additional/repeat funding requests for projects/programs already under execution. A single idea or multiple ideas can help to shape a demand. Demand Life Cycle Typical life cycle of a demand (for funds) is depicted in the […]