Portfolio Management

Portfolio Overview

Introduction A portfolio is the higher level grouping of  all demands, projects and programs that typically serve a business or a specific value stream in case of large enterprise.  For example, all demands and projects of a small or medium size enterprise may be managed by a central office without requiring to create Portfolios. However, […]

Demand Review by Portfolio Manager

Once the Demand Sponsor publishes a demand, it goes to the Portfolio Manager for review and approval. The Portfolio Manager can validate the information mentioned in the demand, communicate with expert panelists to see their review, feedback, and rating on the demand and can accordingly approve or reject a demand.  The PM can also send […]

Accessing Portfolio Management with Different Personas

Portfolio Management has different menus in it. All these menus are visible to a user depending upon the persona he/she is logging in with. The Portfolio  Management has the given personas – Administrator CXO (Chief Executive Officer) or CFO Line of Business (LoB) / Function Head Portfolio Manager Demand Sponsor Demand Collaborator Panelist Each persona […]

Introduction to Portfolio Management

Overview The Portfolio Management help enterprises to consolidate all program /project requests from different departments / functions, review them in a structured manner and take decision on those that would be funded for execution. It helps the decision makers to monitor the approved programs/projects during execution for ROI so that subsequent decision on funding can […]

Vision Overview

Introduction The Vision of an organisation defines where the organisation wants to be in the future. The Vision is defined by the CXO/CFO of the organisation so only this persona have access to the Vision menu in the Portfolio management. The CXO/CFO can create and publish a Vision. For example, vision of an online shopping […]