Web Services API Documentation

Articles on web services


Published on 6 Aug 2014

Service Description : TeamMemberService Service EPR : https://login.swiftkanban.com/axis2/services/TeamMemberService Service Status : Active Available Operations: getTeamsForProjects getTeamMembersForProject getAllActiveUsersInOrg adduser deleteUser addTeamMember getUserData getUserDataFromEmailId getAllUsersLastLogin Note: Any mention of Iteration or Project in any Web Service operations are equivalent to Sprint or Board in the SwiftKanban User Interface (UI). getTeamsForProjects Input Elements Description Fetches team member details […]


Published on 5 Aug 2014

Service Description: KanbanCardService Service EPR: https://login.swiftkanban.com/axis2/services/KanbanCardService Service Status : Active Available Operations: addCard getCard getCardsByFilter moveCardOnBoard blockCard unblockCard moveCardtoReady moveCardToBacklog getCardDetails getCardsModifiedSincedate archiveCard updateCard getSmartLaneDetails addMultipleCard updateMultipleCard archiveMultipleCard getMultipleCard moveMultipleCardToReady moveMultipleCardOnBoard moveMultipleCardToBacklog deleteCard deleteMultipleCard convertCard transferCard getBoardCards discardAbortCard discardAbortMultipleCard Note: Any mention of Iteration or Project in any Web Service operations are equivalent to Sprint or Board […]


Published on 5 Aug 2014

Service Description : ExtensionService Service EPR : https://login.swiftkanban.com/axis2/services/ExtensionService Service Status : Active Available Operations: addCommentToCard addIterationInRelease addRelation addRelease createAttachment deleteIterationFromRelease deleteRelation deleteRelease deleteTodos flagCard getActivityLog getAllRelationSinceDate getAllTodos getAttachmentContent getAttachmentsInfo getCardsInRelease getCardsInIteration getCardTypeHierarchyConstraint getComments getCommentsByDate getCommentsByUser getIterationsInRelease getMultipleActivityLog getReleaseList getRelationType getSingleCardRelation getTodoModifiedSinceDate getTodosByOwner getTodosByStatus modifyTodos replyToComment tagCardToIteration tagCardsToRelease unFlagCard untagCardFromIteration untagCardsFromRelease updateIteration updateRelease  Any mention of […]


Published on 5 Aug 2014

Service Description: MetadataService Service EPR: https://login.swiftkanban.com/axis2/services/MetadataService Service Status: Active Available Operations: getCardListForProject getCardMetadata getDynamicLOVData Note:  Any mention of Iteration or Project in any Web Service operations are equivalent to Sprint or Board in the SwiftKanban User Interface (UI). getCardListForProject Input Elements Description Fetches all the card types available in a project projectId Id of the project […]


Published on 1 Aug 2014

Service Description: ProjectService Service EPR : https://login.swiftkanban.com/axis2/services/ProjectService Service Status : Active Available Operations getProject getProjectsByOrganization Note:  Any mention of Iteration or Project in any Web Service operations are equivalent to Sprint or Board in the SwiftKanban User Interface (UI). getProject Input Elements Description Fetches total number of active projects with name and Id of each […]

Board Manager Tasks

Published on 8 Nov 2011

Create a Board Create your workspace to manage your Backlog, Team, Kanban Board, etc. Setting Up  Your Team for Your Board Invite team members to your Board and assign roles to them. Define Backlog Create user stories, defects, and issues so that you can prioritize and push them to the Board. Plan Releases Create Releases […]