In this article, we will help you understand how to configure the multi-select option in a custom common field.

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Steps to Configure Multi-select Option

Important Points to Remember

Steps to Configure Multi-select Option

To configure a multi-select option in a custom common field perform the following steps:

1. On the Admin Settings page, click the CUSTOM COMMON FIELD tile. The Custom Common Fields page is displayed.custom common field page

2. To create a common field, click the Create  Common Field icon from the Side toolbar.

3. In the new field, enter the following details:

Fields Description
Field Label Name of the Custom Common field
Field Type Collection: Multi-Select option for the values set for this field type
Mandatory Decide whether you want compulsory input for that particular field.
Disabled Hide the field from the card by selecting Yes from the drop-down. By default, it will be No.
Input Method Manual Entry of values
Master List Once you select the Input Method as a Static List, this field will be activated, and the dropdown values will display all the Master Lists. Select the desired Master List from the drop-down and set its Default Value.
Default Value Based on the Master List you have selected, the related default values will be displayed as a drop-down value. Select the most appropriate default value.
Include in List View If you want to add fields in Card List View, then select Yes from the drop-down.
Field Icon It is a symbol or indicator that will help you identify a particular field. Click the edit view under Field Icon to get a list of icons. Select any one icon from the list that will best define your field.

4. After adding the Custom Field for which you want to set the field type as Collection, click on the Save icon from the Side toolbar.


  • To create a multi-select custom common field use the field type as Collection.
  • No default value is set for multi-select.
  • No link (Dependant) field creation is possible

Important Points to Remember

  • All users have “Admin”, and “Manager”. “Member” roles are able to set the field type as Collection for a custom field, except for a user with a “Reader” role.
  • The users having access to configure the field type as Collection can create, update, and view the multiple options for a multi-select custom field via pop-up.
  • The users having access to configure the field type as Collection can create, update, and view the multiple options for a multi-select custom field via iform renderer. A proper Activity Log is generated with comma-separated multiple values.
  • The deleted or inactive list of values is not available in the list of multi-select dropdown while creating a card via a pop-up window and iform renderer.
  • If a value that is already listed in the list of multiple values but later becomes inactive such values are prefixed with a “*” in the list while editing the custom field.
  • Custom common fields defined as multi-select are available in the Filter and Legend option in Kanban Board, Dependency Board, and Backlog Board.
  • In the Cards listing page, the value of the selected list of values for each card is displayed as a comma-separated list. These values can be filtered.
  • Multi-select fields are exported along with the selected list of values against each card as comma-separated values inside “”.
  • Multi-select fields are imported along with a selected list of values against each card if entered as comma-separated values inside “”.
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