The Stand-up Wizard in SwiftKanban, available exclusively in the Enterprise plan, streamlines your daily stand-up meetings, making them more efficient and organized. This guide will walk you through how to use this powerful feature.

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Starting the Stand-up

Conducting the Stand-up

Conducting Team-wise Stand-ups

Video Reference


Daily stand-ups are crucial for keeping your team aligned, informed, and focused. The Stand-up Wizard simplifies this process by providing a structured way to conduct these meetings, allowing you to track progress, address blockers, and stay organized easily. Let’s dive in and explore how to use the Stand-up Wizard effectively.

Starting the Stand-up

To initiate the Stand-up Wizard, navigate to the Stand-up Wizard option on the Kanban Board.

Selecting Participants

You can choose the participants of your stand-up meeting from the dropdown. Select “All Team Members” or specific “Teams.”

Note: The dropdown menu is only available if teams have been created. In the absence of teams, the stand-up will include all team members tagged to the cards on the Kanban Board. Also, by default, the “All Team Members” option is selected.

All Team members or Teams

Initiating the Stand-up

    1. Click the START button to initiate the stand-up session.
    2. A timer will start next to the button, tracking the session’s duration. Note:  Once the stand-up begins, the dropdown selection becomes disabled to prevent changes during the session.

Conducting the Stand-up

  • Card owners tagged to the respective cards on the Board are displayed at the top.
  • The first team member is selected by default from the list of members.
  • A timer for each owner starts when the stand-up begins, helping manage time effectively during status updates:
    • Green: Indicates the first minute.
    • Amber: Appears after 60 seconds.
    • Red: Appears after 120 seconds.
  • Once a member finishes their update, select the next owner from the list to continue the stand-up.
  • After completing all updates, click the All Team Members icon to view all cards tagged on the Board at the smallest zoom level.
  • To stop the stand-up, click the STOP button.

Conducting Team-wise Stand-ups

  • Select the Teams option from the dropdown menu to conduct the stand-up for a specific team.
  • The Board will display all cards owned by team members from the selected team.
  • Follow similar steps to conduct the stand-up team-wise.
  • Click STOP to stop the stand-up. Then, click Leave Stand-up Wizard to exit the Stand-up Wizard view and return to the Kanban Board.

Team stand-up

Video Reference

The Stand-up Wizard in SwiftKanban enhances your stand-up meetings by providing a structured, time-managed, and efficient approach. For detailed information, check the video.

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