Ever since we released version 1.1, we focused on performance of SwiftKanban, but we also enhanced the product from the usability perspective and resolved quite a few issues.

The enhancements are highlighted below:
Improved My Projects Widget
My Projects is now renamed to My Recent Projects, so the project accessed in your last session tops the list in the widget. You can see last five projects you accessed in the descending order of the last sessions. It can be very helpful for quickly getting into your recently accessed project.
More Informative Lane Header
Track the number of cards currently in a lane quickly which is displayed on the lane header. The lane header displays the count of cards against the WIP limit set.
Notifications for Work That Matters
You will now receive notification on card movement only if you are assigned as the Current owner. If you no longer belong to the Current Owner list, you will stop receiving notifications. Earlier notifications were sent for card movements for every card, even if you were not one of the current owners, which cluttered your mail and Notification widget.
Kanban Board Landing
The Kanban board of the project you accessed in your last session opens by default on logging into the application. Earlier you had to navigate from the ‘My Projects’ widget or Project List to open the Kanban Board.
The fixes are highlighted below:
Field Labels
When adding new fields, the field label should not contain special characters such as #,@,%,/,\,&,$,?,*,|,:,<,>,-,. An alert is displayed to inform if any of these characters is entered.
Internet Explorer 9 Issues
On Internet Explorer 9, sometimes the mandatory field error window is hidden behind the New Card dialog. the new card dialog can’t be moved out of the way. which can be annoying. The Mandatory validation can now be configured to be displayed.
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