Enhanced Batch Card Movement in Backlog Board

We’ve focused on enhancing the Move Cards option in your Backlog Board:

  • Move Cards Across Kanban Columns: Now, you can effortlessly move cards from your Backlog Board to any column on your Kanban Board. So, no need to limit yourself just to the first column of each lane on the Kanban Board.


  • Flexibility with Lanes: Make the best of the Move Cards via Batch update not only to default lanes but also to custom lanes within your Backlog Board. 


Import Cards to Backlog Custom Lanes

Previously, the Lane column, upon exporting card details, lacked editability, preventing the option to move a card to the Backlog custom lane during Import/export. Now, we have improved the Lane column, enabling you to modify its details. You can effortlessly specify the desired Backlog custom lane when updating the lane column of your card or adding a card using Import/export. For more information, read >here.

Import Backlog

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