This release introduces several enhancements and new features.

Here are the highlights of SwiftKanban version 3.5.11:

Card Creation and Hierarchy Import using Microsoft® Excel

Now you can use Microsoft® Excel to create new card, map relationship hierarchy among new and existing cards and import that file into SwiftKanban.

  • Here are some advantages of this new feature:
  • Add and link multiple cards (work-items) at a time ensuring time save
  • Data migration from a third party tool such as Atlassian Jira into SwiftKanban
  • Moreover, you can also place a new card in a particular queue in the Kanban board using the same Excel sheet. To place the new card in a particular queue, enter the queue name in the Current Queue column in the Excel sheet. 

Linking Cards on Backlog Board

Previously, the Linked Cards option was not available under the Action menu in the backlog board. 
Now the same option is available in the backlog board also, so that you can directly go to the Hierarchy view.

Viewing Queue-wise Cycle Time Analysis Report

You can leverage the “Queue-wise Cycle Time Analysis” report to generate detailed information of the archived cards such as number of cards completed, average work time/wait time/block time and many more. 
You can filter the data based on your desired date range, view data on a weekly basis, expand data for any particular queue, and also export the generated data into .csv format. 

Creating Card Hierarchy using Quick Edit Feature

Now, you can quickly create, modify, or delete multiple parent-child relationship of cards using the Quick Edit feature in SwiftKanban.

Using the same feature, you can create multiple cards while establishing a new relationship, and also add cards from another table present in third party tool like Microsoft® Excel, Microsoft® Word and so on.


Defining WIP Limit for Resource based on Decimal Value based Parameters

You can define WIP limit for every user and apply that limit across all projects for that user using User WIP feature.
WIP limit can be set based on different decimal value based parameters such as card count, estimate days and so on. 

Viewing Work Progression by using Hierarchy Progress Bar 

Hierarchy progress bar provides you the visual indication of how much progress has been made by the card and its children. It provides an opportunity to illustrate the amount of work done and status of card completion.
This circular progress bar, which represents the progression state using percentage, appears on the extreme top-left of a parent card.  
Hovering over the progress bar displays the overall percentage of the parent card, and clicking the Hierarchy Progress icon will show the percentage of completion of each linked child card.
The completion percentage of a parent card is calculated based on whether it’s child cards are archived, or moved to the Done lane or beyond.


Creating and linking Parent Card in the Linked Cards Tab

Now, in the Linked Cards page, you can not only search and link an existing card as parent card, but also create a new parent card while establishing the parent-child relationship.
Clicking the search icon will search and link an existing card as parent card and clicking the “+” icon will create a new parent card and set a parent-child relationship.

Searching Child Card by its Title in the Linked Cards Tab

Searching a child card has been made easy. While searching a child card in the in the Linked Cards page, you no more need to prefix “Title:” before the actual card title. Just enter the title text to search and find the required card to be linked.  

Opening Projects in Multiple Tabs

You can simultaneously open and work on the multiple projects in multiple tabs in your browser. Each of those tabs will show the name of the project.

Introducing Done Lane Type

New Lane Type, Done has been introduced. Setting a Lane Type as Done signifies that all the activities are complete for the cards placed on this lane.

Important things to remember:
  • You can define a lane type as Done only once in a single Swim-Lane.
  • Done Lane type is available only if you have the required license for Card Hierarchy. 
  • The key difference between “Completed” and “Done” lane types is any card placed on the Done lane will only be considered while calculating the Hierarchy Progress of its parent card.

Adding Teams Column in People List

Now, the People List in SwiftKanban also has Teams column, which shows the team names to which the user belongs to.

You can also use Teamsdrop-down list to further filter your search on people.

Searching Child Card by its Title in the Linked Cards Tab

Searching a child card has been made easy.
While searching a child card in the in the Linked Cards page, you no more need to prefix Title:before the actual card title.
Just enter the title text to search and find the required card to be linked

WebServices Enhancements for Card Hierarchy

Following are the new webservices:

¨addRelation- Adds relationship between cards
¨deleteRelation- Deletes relationship between cards
¨getSingleCardRelation- Fetches a list of all the relations for a selected card
¨getAllRelationSinceDate-  Fetches a list of all the relations since selected date
¨getCardTypeHierarchyConstraint- Fetches a list of possible parent-child and other links relationship of the selected card type
¨getRelationType- Fetches a list of all the available relations in the system


WebServices Enhancements for Release & Iteration

Following are the new webservices:

¨addRelease- Adds a new release in a project
¨deleteRelease- Deletes a release from a project
¨getCardsInRelease- Fetches a list of all the cards for the selected release in a project
¨getIterationsInRelease-  Fetches details of all the iterations in a release
¨tagCardsToRelease-  Tags a card to a selected release
¨untagCardsFromRelease-Add Teams column in People ListUn-tags a card from a selected release
¨addIterationInRelease- Adds a new iteration in a selected release
¨deleteIterationFromRelease–Deletes an iteration from a selected release
¨getCardsInIteration- Fetches details of all the cards tagged in a selected iteration
¨tagCardsToIteration- Tags a card to a selected iteration
¨untagCardsFromIteration- Un-tags a  card from a selected iteration  

WebServicesEnhancements for Activity Log

Following are the two new attributes added in getActivityLogwebserviceresponse:

¨oldUserIds– It’s the user id of the old owner
¨newUserIds– It’s user id of the current owner

WebServices Enhancements for Flagging and Un-flagging Card 

Following are the new webservicesrelated to card flagging:

¨FlagCard– Flags a card
¨UnFlagCard– Un-flag a card

WebServices Enhancements for adding Users and Team Members 

Following are the new webservices:

¨addUser- Adds user at the organization level
¨addTeamMember– invites team member for a particular project

Feedback and Suggestions

We hope you like these improvements!

As always, your feedback and suggestions are invaluable to us. Please keep them coming on the SwiftKanban Feedback portal and let others vote on them as well!

If you see an error or an issue, drop us a quick note on [email protected]

Thank you!

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