This release introduces several enhancements and new features.

Here are the highlights of SwiftKanban version 3.5.13:

Enhanced View of Custom Attributes in Kanban Card Pop-up

Earlier, the custom attributes like Due Date, Class of Service, Size and others were displayed in carousel view.
Now, the carousel has been replaced by a sliding panel which you can expand or collapse to view custom attributes.

Child Reason Code in the Card Flags

Now, we have made Reason code (Issue Code/Risk Code/Blocking Reason) hierarchical. You can add child attribute values for Flags via Master List, and use them as child Reason Code for a particular card flag.
For example, if you add child attribute value hierarchically in the Risk Codes Master List, you can then select that child attribute value as a Risk Code for a Kanban card. Once you save that Risk Code with your comment on that Kanban card, the child Reason Code appears with comment as a hover text on the highlighted Risk icon.

Note: Currently adding child attribute value option is available for Risk Codes, Blocking Reason and Issue Code only.

Enhanced Board Filter Option

You can use the Board Filter option on the Auto-hide toolbar to view only selected cards based on any of the attributes like Priority, Card Type, Size, Resource, and so on.
Now, whatever attribute value you select and drag them from the Available List to the Filter By pane in the Board Filter page, will exist in the Filter By pane across multiple sessions until you reset them.
This feature will reduce your time and effort by saving your preference for a particular search pattern.

Viewing Cards as a Non Team-member in Card Hierarchy

Previously, the user, who is not a team-member in a project, could not view the card details of that project in the card hierarchy.
Now, the user can have better hierarchical information by viewing the ID, title, project name and current queue of a card of that project (where the user is a non team-member) in the Linked Cards section.
Note: To view such details, the Show Basic Details of Card in Hierarchy to Non Team Member check box should be selected in the Admin > Settings > Preference page.

New Formula for Calculating the Completion Percentage of a Parent Card

Earlier the completion of a Parent Card is calculated based on the number of its leaf cards (child and grand-child) which are archived.
Now, the same calculation for the Parent Card will be based on the completion of its immediate child cards, so that you get a more accurate statistics of the progress.
So, the new formula would be:

Total completion Percentage of immediate child card(s)


Number of immediate child cards


WebServices Enhancements for Delete Card

We have added the new web services related to card deletion:
  • deleteCard – Deletes cards from the project
  • deleteMultipleCard – Deletes multiple cards from the project(s) simultaneously.
For more details on the Delete Card web services, please refer our Help page.

WebServices Enhancements for Updating Release and Iteration

We have also added the new webservices for updating a release and an iteration:
  • updateRelease – Updates release details
  • updateIteration – Updates iteration details
For more details on the Updating Release and Iteration web services, please refer our Help page.

We hope you like these improvements!
As always, your feedback and suggestions are invaluable to us. Please keep them coming on the SwiftKanban Feedback portal and let others vote on them as well! 
If you see an error or an issue, drop us a quick note on [email protected].
Thank you!
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