
Digité February 2020 Newsletter

Happiness and productivity go hand in hand. Be it at work or in our personal lives, there is increasing evidence that the two are tied. This month’s newsletter covers articles that discuss happiness in the workplace, share tips on how to improve productivity at home and at work and show you how you can get work done with the help of Personal Kanban and GTD (Getting Things Done).

Workplace Happiness

10 Hacks for a Happy & High-Performance Workplace

Happy employees make for a healthier, more successful company. Makes sense right? However, a quick search online (and the increasing number of surveys dedicated to the topic) suggests that a very small percentage of the work force is happy. Raghu B, SVP at Digité, Inc., throws some light on why this might be the case and puts his 35+ years of experience behind some hacks that might help you create a happier, more productive environment.

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Personal Kanban with GTD

Personal productivity and time management tools/ methods have always been a subject of interest. Numerous methods and tools have been developed over the years. However, few seem to stick over time. Given that any tool or method needs a certain level of discipline at an individual level, is there a method that can really help you manage better, visualize what you need to do and most importantly, stick? In this blog Sudipta Lahiri, Head of Products at Digité, Inc., shares his experience of tackling this challenge.

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Overwhelmed? Here’s how to stop your to-do list going stale

‘Thinking about working on a given task is in fact a form of working on it, and a relatively easy and enjoyable one at that. So returning to it repeatedly in your mind naturally reduces its novelty, and therefore its appeal.’ In this article Oliver Burkeman discusses this phenomenon of “task staleness” and suggests focusing on a few tasks until they’re finished is the way to get work done.

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How Granular should my (Personal) Kanban Board be?

Kanban works at work. You may have experienced it yourself – Kanban helps prioritize and deliver important work just-in-time, stimulating collaboration and reducing waste in the form of delays and unimportant work. The above article shows you how it can work for you in your personal life as well. However, irrespective of where they’re using it and what they’re using it for, all Kanban users end up with a common question soon enough – what should be the level of work breakdown that gets visualized on the Kanban board? Mahesh Singh, co-founder and SVP at Digité, Inc., answers exactly that (and more) in this article.

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Video : Eliminating Barriers to Business Agility – Lessons from Agile Marketing

Organizational agility is the future of business, yet only a tiny fraction of organizations have successfully managed a complete Agile transformation. In spite of decades of implementation and success in IT, why does Agile struggle to make the jump to the rest of the organization? What if the very experiences that drive Agile change agents to evangelize it outside of IT are getting in the way of total Agile transformation?

We conducted a webinar recently with Andrea Fryrear, co-founder of AgileSherpas and the world’s leading authority on agile marketing, where we discussed how to eliminate the biggest barriers to Business Agility.

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