
Digite January 2017 Newsletter

To See or Not to See?

Project Managers can achieve success by keeping their ego in check and promoting an open culture in their organization! Our SVP, Raghunath Basavanahalli, explains.

To See or Not to See

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Route To Enterprise Scale Agility

Kanban pioneer, David Anderson of Lean Kanban Inc. chats with Navin Anand, our Director of Sales for EU, on the “why” and “how” of implementing enterprise-scale agility and the evidence of real-world benefits.

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Is SAFe Agile?

Is SAFe Agile? There is an ongoing debate in the Agile community for the last several years on this. Our Product Manager, Anshuman Singh, asks the question and provides his perspectives.

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Why Kanban Is The Real Productivity Ninja

Kanban is much more than just a visual board. Key Kanban principles and practices help in tackling some of the greatest Enterprise Productivity challenges! Digité co-founder and SVP, Mahesh Singh, explains how.

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Product Updates

SwiftKanban December Feature Update!

In the December update of SwiftKanban, we launched two high impact features. We introduced the Card Data Analyzer at the organization level. The Board Legend got a brand new look and the ability to highlight cards based on different attributes! For the full details, please see here. Visit here to know more!

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