Em setembro passado, como novo membro da equipe de Marketing da Digité, eu estava me esforçando para entender os produtos da Digité e o espaço em que nos encontramos.
While starting with Kanban may appear simple enough – after all, what can be simpler than 'start with what you have'?! – modeling your first Kanban board does require some thinking and planning as it depends on a number of factors. Learn how do you design your first Kanban board.
We often hear the question - In Kanban, what should we do if a User Story in Test column is found to have a bug that needs to be fixed? Let's say the workflow is something like this: Todo -> Development -> Test -> Release. If a User Story has completed Development and moved to Test, and a tester finds a bug, what should we do to that User Story? Is it right to leave that User Story in Test and the developer should stop their current development work to fix this Defect first? If so, does this mean that developers must be interrupted all the time to clear the bugs found in Test?
Você é novo no Kanban? Ou você acabou de construir seu primeiro quadro Kanban? Ou já é um especialista em Kanban? Independentemente de onde você esteja em sua jornada Kanban, aqui está uma lista abrangente dos principais livros Kanban.
Recently, there was an interesting problem posed on a project management discussion board. The questioner asked -
“I have recently joined a company and to one of the projects that I'm engaged we have this Scrum team that has a mixed backlog (USs and Bugs).
In a recent post on a technical forum, a Dev manager had the question (paraphrased here) - My organization wants to operate in a Kanban way but maintain the structure of sprints and burn down charts to keep track of progress. Is it ok to do? Is Scrumban the correct methodology? If so, what is the best way to implement it?
Em 2015, em um post de blog chamado Kanban Cadences, David Anderson apresentou um conjunto de 7 cadências Kanban ou reuniões que oferecem oportunidades abrangentes para feedback, planejamento e revisão em uma empresa.