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How to get your Kanban initiative Back on Track

How to get your Kanban initiative Back on Track1

Like many other change initiatives, Kanban too can falter. You either run into various forms of internal organizational/ cultural resistance. Or, you realize that your Kanban board no longer represents what your team actually does! In this webinar, Christophe Achouiantz explain why that is a good thing and that your Kanban system is giving you valuable insights and prompting you to take action!

[rankya_youtube_schema id=”KwrwkQyxg1U” videotitle=”How to get your Kanban initiative Back on Track” desc=”Like many other change initiatives, Kanban too can falter. You either run into various forms of internal organizational/ cultural resistance. Or, you realize that your Kanban board no longer represents what your team actually does! In this webinar, Christophe Achouiantz explain why that is a good thing and that your Kanban system is giving you valuable insights and prompting you to take action!” durationmin=”61″ durationsec=”05″ uplod=”2018-03-22″ rating=”TRUE”]

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