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Fit For Purpose: How Modern Businesses Find, Satisfy & Keep Customers

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How do you find opportunities for your products & services? How do you know if your product or service is loved by consumers? Are your products and services fit-for-purpose? Are they the fittest in a competitive market?

The Fit For Purpose Framework is designed to enable you to answer all of these questions. Based on the new book, by David J. Anderson & Alexei Zheglov, David will show you how to pick the right key performance indicators (KPIs) to drive better products and services and improved customer satisfaction. He’ll explain how to collect customer narratives and cluster them to create market segmentation based on customer purpose – the reason why your customers are choosing you and their intent when using your product or service.

Fit For Purpose surveying and Fitness Box Score are a better alternative to Net Promoter Score for driving successful, sustainable businesses. Fitness Box Score provides actionable guidance that enables you to exploit new market opportunities and discover new market segments. To compete in the complex, fast-moving markets of this modern century, product managers, strategic planners, and marketers everywhere need to master the use of the Fit For Purpose Framework. This webinar will get you started on the path to a fitter, more successful products, and services.

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David Anderson is a thought leader, originator of the Kanban Method and Enterprise Service Planning. He is the pioneer to use Kanban Systems for improved service delivery, strategy, fitness for purpose, operational management and governance of modern business. He has authored, “Essential Kanban Condensed”, “Lessons in Agile Management” and many more books. Popular speaker and presenter. David is Chairman of Lean Kanban, Inc., and he has been an Advisor to Digité, Inc. since 2011 and consults with us for our Lean/ Kanban product strategy.

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