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Global Town-hall Meeting with David J Anderson

Webinar flow 2

SwiftKanban is happy to once again bring to you an interactive Town-hall style webinar with world-renowned Kanban guru, David J. Anderson. In this webinar, David will present some of the new ideas that have emerged from the Kanban Leadership Retreat in Austria last month, specifically the new approach to assessing the depth of a Kanban implementation. He will then take questions on any Kanban related topic from the audience.

In this popular series of town-hall styled webinars, David answered questions such as:

[rankya_youtube_schema id=”FPwzv57jAqw” videotitle=”David Anderson Global Town-hall Meeting #6 from Swift-Kanban/ Digite – Jul 2012″ desc=”The Global Town-hall is a unique interactive webinar format devised by Swift-Kanban from Digite that allows participants to interact with David J Anderson, well-known Kanban guru and father of the Kanban method for software development. This is a recording of the event that was held on Jul 12, 2012. For more information, please visit” durationmin=”90″ durationsec=”48″ uplod=”2012-07-20″ rating=”TRUE”]

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