What is Test Driven Development (TDD)?
- 11 mins read
By Marjan Venema
- Updated on August 14, 2024
Test Driven Development is a process in which you write the test before you write the code. And when all tests are passing you clean your kitchen: you make the code better.
Yet, Test Driven Development Is Not About Testing
The premise behind test driven development, according to Kent Beck, is that all code should be tested and refactored continually. That sure sounds like it’s about testing, so what gives?
Well, the tests you write in TDD are not the point, but the means.
The point is that by writing tests first and striving to keep them easy to write, you’re doing three important things
You’re creating documentation, living, breathing, never out-of-date specifications (ie documentation).
You’re (re-)designing your code to make and keep it easily testable. And that makes it clean, uncomplicated, and easy to understand and change.
You’re creating a safety net to make changes with confidence.
Benefits of Test Driven Development
In addition to the benefits mentioned in the previous section, TDD also gets you:
Early bug notification
Easy bug diagnosis as the tests pinpoint what went wrong
What it all means for your business, is:
1. It improves your bus factor as knowledge isn’t just in heads and it makes onboarding new hires easier.
2. It lowers the cost of enhancements. Keeping the code clean is also how you minimize the risk of accidental complications. And that means you can maintain a constant pace in delivering value.
3. With the safety net, developers are more willing to merge their changes and pull in other developer’s changes. And, they’ll do it more often. And then trunk based development and continuous integration, delivery, and deployment can really take off.
4. It lowers the number of bugs that ‘escape’ into production and that lowers support costs.
The Surprising Reason to Use TDD
If all those benefits aren’t enough, there’s one more reason to use TDD, one that’ll surprise you.
Kent Beck puts it this way: “Quite simply, test driven development is meant to eliminate fear in application development.”
Fear is good to keep you alive, but it is a killer for work that needs even the slightest bit of cognition.
Uh, What About “Developers Should Not Write the Tests to Test Their Own Code?”
Yes, there are good reasons not to let developers write the tests to test their own code.
However, this advice applies to application level tests.
For developer level tests, getting someone else to write the tests is like hitching the horse behind the wagon.
The requirements usually are several abstraction levels above that of the code needed to implement it. So you need to think through what you need to do and how you’ll do it. Writing the tests first is an excellent, and efficient, way to do that.
And, remember, TDD is not about testing.
And Where Does Test Driven Development Fit in Agile?
Back in 1996, the C3 project team at Chrysler practiced test-first programming. “We always write unit tests before releasing any code, usually before even writing the code.” says the case study on the project titled “Chrysler Goes to “Extremes”.
Writing tests first was just one of the practices used by the C3 team. Taken together, these practices became known as eXtreme programming. Three members of that team, Kent Beck, Martin Fowler, and Ron Jeffries, were among the people that wrote and first signed the Agile Manifesto.
Test driven development is a core Agile practice. It directly supports the Agile value of “Working software over comprehensive documentation”. And does so by protecting working software with tests and creating the documentation as a natural by-product.
How Do You Practice TDD?
Src: Spec-india.com
Test driven development is deceptively simple. Easy to explain what you do when, but not so easy to actually do it. More on why that is, in the following section. First, let’s explain what you do in TDD.
The Cycle and Stages of TDD
Test driven development means going through three phases. Again and again and again.
* Red phase: write a test.
* Green phase: make the test pass by writing the code it guards.
* Blue phase: refactor.
That’s it? Yes, that’s it. But wait, there’s more.
The Rules of TDD As Laid Down by Uncle Bob
Uncle Bob (Robert C. Martin) set out the rules of TDD in chapter 5 Test Driven Development of his book The Clean Coder.
1. You are not allowed to write any production code unless it is to make a failing unit test pass.
2. You are not allowed to write any more of a unit test than is sufficient to fail; and compilation failures are failures.
3. You are not allowed to write any more production code than is sufficient to pass the one failing unit test.
Why follow these rules? Because they’re intended to make your life easier.
But I’m not happy with rule #2. Because treating compilation errors as failures can mask the fact that a test doesn’t have assertions. And that’s bad, because it can fool you into thinking a test is passing when the code is (partly) unwritten or plain wrong.
That said, the intention of the rules is to keep things focused in each phase and to keep you from going down rabbit holes. From experience, that helps a lot in keeping things straight in your head. So:
1. During the red phase (writing the test), only work on test code. A failing test is good. At least if it is the one you’re working on. All others should be green.
2. During the green phase (making the test pass), only work on production code that will make the test pass and don’t refactor anything. If the test you just wrote fails, it means your implementation needs work. If other tests fail, you broke existing functionality and need to backtrack.
3. During the blue phase (refactoring), only refactor production code and don’t make any functional changes. Any failing test means you broke existing functionality. You either haven’t completed the refactoring, or need to backtrack.
Sometimes you’ll find opportunities to refactor test code. For example when you have a bunch of separate [Fact] tests in xUnit that only differ in the arguments they pass to the method under test. You can replace these with a single [Theory] test.
My advice: don’t refactor, but add the theory and when that is in agreement with the facts, you can remove the facts.
Example of Using TDD
Step 1: Red phase, write a test.
Decimal 1 should return “I”.
Running the test is not possible at this moment, because the Romanizer class doesn’t exist yet and that means compilation errors.
Step 2: Green phase, make the test pass
Add the Romanizer class and give it a FromDecimal method that takes an integer and returns a string. I like to make sure that the test still fails when the code compiles. That way I know I’m starting with a failing test as a result of assertions in the tests.
So I write an implementation that I’m sure will fail.
Now create the simplest implementation that’ll make the test pass.
Silly? No. The code is correct and it makes the test pass.
Coming up with an algorithm that might work is premature at this stage. You might get it right, but it’s more likely you won’t. And that can land you in very hot water (see further down.)
There isn’t much to refactor yet, so onto the next test.
That if-else-if construct isn’t very elegant, but two cases don’t merit refactor yet, so on to the next test.
Yes, all green, so we can finally do something about that if-else-if construct, because 3 cases do merit a refactoring as the Rule of 3 now applies.
The pattern is clear. You need as many “I”s as the number that’s passed in.
Of course, knowing how Roman numerals work, the pattern won’t hold.
But breaking your brain on an algorithm in advance is not the way to go. You’ll likely end up tweaking it for every test you add. And getting grumpy when every tweak causes different tests to fail.
When you write the simplest code and refactor, you grow the algorithm as you go. A much better and easier way to do it.
When you refactor, you don’t do it haphazardly. But you follow a structured process to clean up the code.
You identify code smells and apply a specific refactoring to remove it. Martin Fowler wrote the book on how to do it: Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code.
The purpose of refactoring is to improve the extensibility of your code by
What’s really important is that refactoring is what gets you clean, uncomplicated code that’s easy to understand, change, and test. And you’ve already read what that gets you.
In practice, the speculation phase is divided into two steps: the project initiation step and the adaptive planning step.
The project initiation step is the earliest phase in which the organization develops project management information, a mission statement for the project and initial requirements.
The adaptive planning step is the phase in which software components are assigned for being built or assembled. During this phase, the team executes the following steps:
Why Is Practicing TDD So Hard?
Practicing TDD is not a bed of roses. At least not at first. Here are the reasons why.
How Can You Fail at TDD—What Are the Common Mistakes?
What Is the Difference Between TDD and BDD?
Behavior driven development and test driven development are similar and different at the same time.
Don’t Wait, Go After Your Bed of Roses
As you have seen, Test Driven Development is a simple technique to describe, but a lot harder to practice.
As with any skill, you’ll need to practice a lot to move it from your head into your bones. To make it second nature and get to the point where you’re developing faster with TDD than without it.
But, as you’ve also heard, the rewards are sweet, very sweet indeed.
Developing with confidence. Never dreading another release. Delivering value at a predictable sustainable pace.
A nice bed of roses! So, take the plunge. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll get the practice in, and the sooner you’ll reap the benefits.
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