10 Best OKR Software/ Tools For Goals Settings in 2024


Effective leadership in the corporate world often involves managing multiple high-priority projects concurrently, each vying for team attention and resources. As project deadlines converge, maintaining team alignment and momentum becomes increasingly challenging. In this complex business landscape, implementing clear objectives and key results (OKRs) has evolved from a best practice to a critical strategic necessity. OKRs provide a framework for focused goal-setting, efficient resource allocation, and measurable performance tracking, enabling organizations to navigate multifaceted challenges while fostering accountability and driving tangible outcomes.

Research shows that companies with clear goals are 376% more likely to achieve success compared to those who don’t​ have clear goals. This staggering statistic underscores the importance of robust OKR software in helping businesses streamline their goal-setting processes and align their teams around common objectives. Without it, even the most dedicated teams can find themselves adrift, struggling to prioritize and achieve their most critical goals.

What are OKRs?

Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) are a goal-setting framework used by organizations to define and track objectives and their outcomes. This system aims to align company, team, and individual goals to measurable results, driving growth and fostering transparency. The OKR framework consists of two main components: Objectives, which are qualitative, ambitious goals that define what an organization or team wants to achieve, and Key Results, which are quantitative metrics used to measure progress towards the objective.


OKRs are typically set on a quarterly or annual basis and are designed to push teams beyond their comfort zones, encouraging innovation and significant growth. They help focus efforts, enhance coordination between different parts of an organization, and provide clear benchmarks for success. This goal-setting methodology has gained popularity among many high-performing companies for its ability to create alignment, engage employees, and drive better business outcomes.

Top 10 Best OKR software

In this article, we’ve curated a list of the top 10 OKR software solutions designed to transform your business chaos into a well-orchestrated symphony. Each tool is evaluated based on features, user experience, integrations, and customer support. Whether you’re a startup aiming for the stars or an established enterprise fine-tuning your performance, there’s an OKR tool here to help you hit your high notes. Dive in to discover the perfect fit for your organizational goals and turn that cat-herding nightmare into a strategic dream.

1. Nimble OKR

Nimble is the next-generation AI-driven Lean/ Agile Work & Project Management solution with OKR and PPM Capabilities focused on helping your teams collaborate, manage and deliver their work effectively and efficiently. Nimble comes with a unique combination of features to manage and deliver a wide range of traditional, Agile and other work management projects across industries, complete with out of the box real-world templates that get you off to a quick start!


Below are some of the features of Nimble OKR:

• Dashboard: This OKR software provides a detailed dashboard, offering users a holistic view of all objectives across the organization – from company level goals to individual team and employee targets. This comprehensive visibility ensures everyone understands how their work contributes to the bigger picture, fostering alignment and motivation.

• Real Time tracking of Progress: The Nimble OKR software empowers informed decision-making by providing detailed task insights like owner assignment, progress percentages, and confidence levels. This allows managers and team members to effectively track progress, identify roadblocks, and adjust strategies as needed.

Nimble Okr - Progress Tracking

• Integration Capabilities: The software bridges the gap between strategic planning and daily tasks by integrating with project management and communication tools. This allows for seamless task tracking linked to specific goals, promoting alignment and collaboration towards achieving objectives.

• Customisation: This software empowers managers to leverage their expertise through customizable workflows. This allows teams to adapt the OKR tracking process to their specific needs and priorities, ensuring efficient monitoring of Objectives, KRs, and Sub-KRs.

• Collaboration features: Nimble OKR allows collaboration among team members, allowing them to align on goals, share updates and to provide feedback

• Scalability: Nimble is a very capable tool which can accommodate an increasing number of users, OKRs, and teams without compromising performance.

• User-friendly interface: Nimble makes sure the user interface is simple and easy to use for both tech and non-tech teams.

• Reporting and analytics: Nimble offers OKR Analytics and Personal analytics window with customizable widgets which gives comprehensive reporting and analytics capabilities. The user will be able to get insights into team performance and work on areas of improvement.

Okr Reporting And Analytics


The Pricing for Nimble OKR starts at $5 /user /month, check out the complete pricing date here.

To learn more about Nimble OKRs check out here.

2. Weekdone

Weekdone aims to help companies translate annual goals into departmental and individual plans. It achieves this through setting objectives and key results (OKRs). However, defining clear and measurable OKRs can be more difficult than simply setting goals.


Limited team size in the free plan

While Weekdone offers features to boost morale, like a recognition “leaderboard”, the free plan only supports up to 3 users. This significantly limits its usefulness for larger teams.

Weekly progress tracking, but lacks daily focus:

Weekdone emphasizes weekly check-ins and updates to stay on track with OKRs. This might not be ideal for projects requiring constant monitoring. For those situations, features like daily standups often found in other OKR software might be preferable.

Weekdone in a nutshell:

• OKR setting for departments and individuals

• Limited functionality in the free plan (3 users only)

• Focus on weekly tracking, might not be suitable for daily progress monitoring


Starts at $108/month (10-user package, at $10.80 per user/month)

3. Workboard

Workboard boasts a robust suite of OKR features, including real-time feedback, goal visibility, and progress tracking. While powerful, new users might find the interface clunky and require time to master.


Collaboration features, but is it worth the complexity?

Workboard integrates with popular business tools, offers intuitive dashboards (for experienced users), and provides detailed progress tracking. However, its “Smart Agendas” feature, designed to record meeting takeaways and promote accountability, might feel like just another hurdle for teams already struggling with complexity.

Workboard in a nutshell:

• Powerful OKR features with real-time feedback and progress tracking

• Steeper learning curve compared to other OKR software

• Integrations with popular business tools (if you can navigate them)

• Questionable value proposition for teams seeking a simpler solution


Starts at $20/month.

4. Lattice

Lattice positions itself as a people management tool that boosts engagement by connecting individual work to company goals, it has limitations that could hinder its effectiveness.


Focus on feedback, but limited integrations might slow you down

Lattice integrates OKRs with performance management, but its third-party integrations fall short compared to some competitors. This could create workflow issues in technology-diverse environments where teams rely on a variety of tools.

Continuous feedback on desktop, but mobile app lacks features

A key feature of Lattice is its emphasis on continuous feedback through 1:1s and check-ins. However, the mobile app functionality is limited, potentially hindering the user experience for those who prefer on-the-go access.

Lattice in a nutshell:

• Focuses on connecting individual contributions to company goals

• Limited integrations compared to some competitors, potentially causing workflow disruptions

• Mobile app functionality may not meet the needs of all users


• Performance Management + OKRs & Goals: $11/month per user
• Engagement: +$4/month per user

5. 15Five

15Five positions itself as an HR platform and OKR tool that boosts engagement and performance through goal-setting and recognition. However, some limitations could hinder its effectiveness.


Focus on Feedback, But Requires Constant User Effort

While 15Five emphasizes continuous feedback with a weekly check-in feature, its success relies heavily on consistent user participation. This might not be ideal for teams struggling with low engagement or limited time for regular check-ins.

Pros and Cons of the Best-Self Review Dashboard

The Self Review dashboard integrates personal growth with performance management, but this might not appeal to everyone. Some employees might find it intrusive to blend personal goals with work performance. Additionally, it requires separate effort from both managers and employees to track progress.

High Fives, a peer recognition tool, fosters a positive work environment. However, it focuses solely on informal recognition and might not be a substitute for a more comprehensive performance management system that includes constructive feedback and development opportunities.

Integration Benefits, But Requires Additional Setup

Seamless integration with various tools like Google Calendar and Slack can enhance workflow. However, setting up these integrations requires additional time and effort on the user’s end.

15Five in a Nutshell:

• Encourages feedback-based OKRs

• Requires consistent user participation for success

• Best-Self Review dashboard might not suit all preferences

• High Fives offer informal recognition but lack depth

• Integrations require additional setup time


• Engage: $4/month per user (annual billing only)

• Perform: $10/month per user (annual billing only)

• Total Platform: $16/month per user (annual billing only)

6. Asana

Asana is good in project management, its functionalities as an OKR tool come with limitations that might not suit every organization’s needs:


• Task-Oriented Approach: Asana’s strength in managing individual tasks can overshadow the strategic goal setting that’s central to OKRs. This might be less effective for teams seeking a dedicated OKR tool with features specifically designed for setting and tracking ambitious objectives and key results.

• Potential for Goal Dissonance: The focus on detailed tasks within Asana could potentially dilute the focus on higher-level strategic goals within the OKR framework. Teams might find it challenging to maintain a clear connection between daily tasks and overarching objectives.

• Limited Collaboration Options: Currently, Asana doesn’t allow assigning tasks to multiple team members simultaneously. This can hinder collaboration on complex goals that require a combined effort from various individuals.

• Free Plan User Restriction: The free plan only supports up to 15 users per team, excluding larger organizations seeking a comprehensive OKR solution for their entire workforce.


Starts from $13.49 per month.

7. Betterworks

Betterworks positions itself as performance management software with OKR integration, aiming to drive organizational success and employee alignment. However, some limitations could hinder its effectiveness, particularly for smaller teams or those with limited resources.


Scalability Might Not Translate to Usability:

While Betterworks boasts impressive OKR scaling for large enterprises, its features might translate to a complex interface for smaller teams. The learning curve could be significant, potentially slowing down implementation and reducing user adoption.

Limited Feedback Features in Standard Plans:

Real-time feedback and multi-rater assessments, valuable features for performance improvement, are only available in the enterprise plan. This could limit the effectiveness of Betterworks for teams on standard plans who might miss out on these crucial functionalities.

Focus on Features, Less on Employee Experience:

While Betterworks offers tools for 1:1s and feedback collection, its emphasis leans towards managing these processes rather than fostering a positive employee experience.


Not fixed, they have custom pricing for the product. 

8. Peoplebox

Peoplebox aims to merge goal-setting with talent management, integrating OKRs seamlessly into team workflows and fostering a high-performance culture.


Strengths and Considerations:

• Integrated Features: Peoplebox offers a suite of features like automated goal updates, real-time feedback, and integrated one-on-one meetings, promoting continuous alignment and performance discussions.

• Advanced Analytics: Powerful analytics provide in-depth insights into team alignment, allowing for the identification of potential roadblocks and informed decision-making.

• Seamless Integration: Integrates with popular tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams, minimizing disruption to existing workflows.

Important Considerations:

• Learning Curve: New users might face a steep learning curve due to the advanced features.

• Subscription Options: Peoplebox doesn’t offer monthly plans, which might not be ideal for all budget considerations.

Overall, Peoplebox offers a comprehensive solution for organizations seeking to integrate OKRs with performance management and talent management. However, the learning curve and lack of monthly plans could be factors to consider for some users.


• Talent Management: $7/month per user (annual billing only)

• OKR Platform: $8/month per user (annual billing only)

• Full-Suite Professional: $12/month per user (annual billing only)

• Full-Suite Premium: $15/month per user (annual billing only)

• Enterprise Plan: Custom pricing

9. PerformYard

PerformYard positions itself as an OKR tool designed for ease of use and strategic alignment across all company levels. It focuses on user-friendliness to differentiate itself from competitors.


Strengths and Considerations:

• Ease of Use: PerformYard boasts a user-friendly interface, making it a good option for small businesses or teams new to OKRs. Its quick setup allows users to get started rapidly.

• Customization: The platform offers flexible goal cascading, customizable review cycles, and real-time feedback mechanisms. This caters to organizations seeking to tailor their OKR and performance management processes.

• HR Integration: Seamless integration with existing HR systems fosters a cohesive user experience and reduces administrative burdens.

Important Considerations:

• Limited Integrations: Compared to other OKR tools, PerformYard has fewer third-party integrations, which could restrict functionality for users reliant on diverse software ecosystems.

• Limited Pricing Transparency: Pricing details are not readily available on the website, requiring users to contact PerformYard directly for quotes. This lack of transparency might be a drawback for some.

Overall, PerformYard offers user-friendly OKR functionalities with customization options. However, limited integrations and unclear pricing might be factors to consider for some organizations.


• Performance Management: $5-$10/month per user (annual billing only)

• Employee Engagement: Starting at $1-$3/month per user (annual billing only)

10. Hirebook

Hirebook positions itself as a tool that streamlines management practices and boosts employee engagement. It focuses on automatically converting daily activities into key results, helping employees visualize their impact on company objectives.


Strengths and Considerations:

• Engagement Features: Hirebook offers a suite of features promoting regular communication and positive feedback loops through check-ins, key result updates, and one-on-one meetings. This can be beneficial for small businesses and remote teams seeking to improve employee engagement.

• Improved Visibility: Features like Org Charts help track employee progress and team composition, particularly valuable for rapidly growing organizations.

• Customization: Hirebook allows customization of check-ins for different departments, teams, or individuals, enabling targeted feedback collection.

• Accessibility: OKR reports delivered to email or mobile devices enhance accessibility for users on the go.

Important Considerations:

• No Free Plan: Hirebook doesn’t offer a free plan, potentially limiting its accessibility for budget-conscious users.

• Limited Collaboration: Currently, Hirebook lacks the ability to assign goals or tasks to multiple team members simultaneously. This could hinder collaboration on complex projects requiring a combined effort.

Overall, Hirebook streamlines management processes and promotes engagement, particularly for smaller or remote teams. However, the lack of a free plan and limited collaboration features might be limitations for some users.


• Business: $15/month per user

• Enterprise: Custom pricing


In the evolving landscape of business management, the right OKR (Objectives and Key Results) software can be a game-changer. These top 10 OKR tools offer diverse features to help organizations set clear goals, track progress, and achieve remarkable results. Whether you are a startup seeking agility or a large enterprise aiming for alignment, there is an OKR solution tailored to your needs.

Among these powerful tools, Nimble OKR stands out for its intuitive interface and robust feature set, designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing workflows. Nimble OKR not only simplifies the process of setting and tracking objectives but also fosters a culture of transparency and accountability within your organization. With real-time insights and collaborative features, it ensures that your team remains focused and driven toward success. To try Nimble and learn more about its features check out here.

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Picture of Sai Prasanth M K

Sai Prasanth M K

Sai's journey spans consulting in Life Sciences & Healthcare, developing G2C products, and now exploring Product Management. His structured and analytical problem-solving skills are rooted in his strong educational background at NIT Trichy and IIM Udaipur. Beyond his professional endeavors, Sai enjoys engaging conversations about movies, music, and non-fiction books.

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