March 19, 2021

An Introduction to DevOps

DevOps is the acronym given to the combination of Development and Operations. It refers to a collaborative approach to make the Application Development team and the IT Operations team of an organization to seamlessly work with better communication. It is a philosophy that encourages adopting iterative software development, automation, and programmable infrastructure deployment and maintenance.
March 17, 2021

Creating Scalable Chatbots using Kairon

Chatbots are a unique piece of software that can interact with a user in a conversational manner to guide them to the information that they need, and it can even execute actions. Chatbots can be moulded to specialize in a specific domain, giving them the flexibility to be used in various fields. This versatility means they are used in industries such as banking, retail, healthcare, and even governments have adopted them.
March 16, 2021

DevOps or Lean?

DevOps has been instrumental in transforming IT responsiveness to business, as is evident by the fact that we have enterprises from all walks of life including Banks adopting DevOps. It's certainly not a thing that hip web companies do now. However, with this rush to "do" DevOps comes the noise associated with it and hence, the confusions.
February 8, 2021

Kanban: A Powerful Enabler For Remote Work Teams

Kanban is a visual system for managing work, as it progresses through a process. A good example of Kanban is the way milk delivery was done in the old days: when customers needed more milk, they did not give the milkman a schedule, nor did they use a planning system. They simply put the empty bottles at the entrance and the milkman exchanged them for full ones. That is the essence of a pull system.
February 5, 2021

What is Machine Learning? – A Beginners Guide

Have you ever wondered how Facebook suggests to you the name of the person whose picture you have just uploaded? Or how Netflix knows which program you would like to see next and makes the appropriate suggestions? How do you get suggestions for similar products while shopping online?
December 22, 2020

Finding Flow in Work During Times with No Flow

Many companies who have shifted to remote working have observed lower productivity since their employees are used to the conventional ideas of problem-solving by increasing systems, processes and measurements. It has been understood that defining a clear set of expectations for the employees helps them get a better idea of the deliverables required of them. This further establishes a sense of purpose to their work, which helps employees understand and feel a part of the big picture, (especially in these times when people can easily feel isolated), which acts as a motivating factor for them.
June 23, 2020

How Agile Project Management can Help your Business Cope with the COVID-19 Pandemic?

The COVID-19 pandemic caught the world by surprise. The mystery disease that intrigued a few people on Twitter in December 2019 has forced governments to close their borders and essentially paralyze economies. How do business owners maintain the productivity of their teams during this extraordinary time, and how do technologies help keep operations running? Agile project management ensures the constant delivery of value to your organization even amidst crisis.
June 16, 2020

What is CI/ CD? How it Helps Teams Deliver Better Software, Faster

It hurts, doesn’t it? Merging feature branches into the main development branch, I mean. The mere thought of continuous integration and having to go through these merges continually, makes you shudder.
June 10, 2020

5 Benefits of AI Technology for Remote Workers

Remote work has been gaining popularity over the past few years. Since the decade began, the industry has grown by 400%. And with the pandemic forcing offices to close, it has directly catapulted remote work into the spotlight. True enough, job platform FlexJobs confirms a significant increase in remote positions—from IT professionals and programmers, to business trainers and customer service providers. Gartner predicted that by 2021, the increase in remote workers will allow organizations to support 40% more employees in the same amount of office space they currently use.