May 15, 2018

A Review Of Scrum For Kanban Teams

This article is the fourth in a series of “Kanban and Scrum – Stronger Together”.
May 11, 2018

Scrum with Kanban Class of Service

This article is the third in a series of “Kanban and Scrum – Stronger Together”.
May 4, 2018

Scrum With Kanban WIP Limits

This article is the second in a series of “Kanban and Scrum – Stronger Together”.
April 26, 2018

Nothing in Kanban Prevents Scrum

This article is the first in a series after the article "Kanban and Scrum - Stronger Together".
April 20, 2018

Kanban and Scrum Together – Not So Fast

Continuing with our theme of facilitating Scrum and Kanban, we’re honored to publish another guest blog post by Dave White on ‘Kanban and Scrum Together – Not So Fast’. In this blog post, Dave has shared his thoughts on the article ‘Kanban and Scrum Together’ written by Steve Porter. Hope you enjoy reading it!
March 19, 2018

Fika Stories 2 – The Policy-Debt Trap

In part 2 of this series, Christophe looks at the very Swedish phenomenon of Kanban going “man-cold”! As teams implement their early Kanban boards, they inevitably face the reality of the gap between what they are actually used to doing vs. what they put on their Kanban board. (We have posted about this phenomenon earlier as well!) Here, Christophe explains why this happens – and what to do about it quickly so as to not fall into the Policy Debt-trap!
March 8, 2018

Fika Stories 1 – Help! Our Kanban Died!

In this 2-part series, we are honored to publish a couple of blog posts by (2016 Brickell Key award winner) Christophe Achouiantz, Kanban thought-leader, consultant and coach. Written in the “Fika-style” (read on to understand what that is!), Christophe takes on the all too common problem that teams implementing Kanban (or any other process change initiative for that matter) face – the sense of “doom” that Kanban is not working for them because of resistance they face. In this first part, Christophe explains why that is a good thing!
March 2, 2018

Kanban = Continuous Delivery? Not Necessarily

Here’s is another question that I recently answered on a discussion forum –
February 19, 2018

The Difference Between The Kanban Method and Scrum
