How Kanban Can Help You?

kanban help you

How Does Kanban Help?

Whether you are a software team or an IT/ Ops/ DevOps team, a Project Manager/ team or a business function such as HR, sales, marketing, procurement, legal, construction, insurance or ANY other, you can use SwiftKanban. If you looking for an electronic Kanban tool to improve your technology, project management or business processes and outcomes in a collaborative manner at a pace your distributed teams can handle, SwiftKanban is the best of the Kanban tools for you! You can use SwiftKanban if any of the following applies to you!

Your Business Situation Demands It

You are evaluating or already using Kanban system in your project management and operations. Welcome to SwiftKanban. Check us out and try us free for 30 days! You are a Software or IT/ Ops/ DevOps team and one or more of the following apply to you –
  • You are desperate for a solution to problems like missed deadlines, untested or incomplete software, missed defects or change requests, scope changes to deliver better software, applications and services to your customers.
  • You are looking for techniques to help your team manage its work more effectively and deliver value to your customers and stakeholders.
  • You are not looking for yet another methodology or process – you want to improve what you have! You want to improve continuously and do not wish to completely disrupt your team/ organization in order to improve.
  • You want more visual and collaborative management of your projects and activities!
You are a HR/ Sales/ Marketing/ Legal/ Finance/ Procurement/ Policies/ Claims/ other business function/ department/ team and one or more of the following apply to you –
  • You are looking for better collaboration with your business partners and customers to ensure you are continuously delivering to them products or services that are most critical to them at that point in time!
  • You want your team and your stakeholders to be on the same page at all time more effective and agreeable resource allocation and work prioritization.
  • You want to improve your service levels and you want to be more consistent and predictable about it.
You are a Project/ Program Manager or Team anywhere – in Technology, Construction, Engineering, Consulting or any other kind of projects and you are looking for more effective ways to monitor your project execution while cutting down on lead time to complete project activities, reducing lost time and other forms of waste, and traditional tools such as Gantt charts and EVM tools are not proving to be enough. While some of those tools remain great for planning and control, Kanban helps you implement Lean Project Management principles to improve Project Execution and Operations, reduce waste and improve overall throughput of the project team.
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Your Tools and Methods Demand It!

You are an Agile software development team and are using Scrum/ XP – and the process has not fully worked for you. You are seeing problems of inaccurate estimates, story leakage, missed scope and time commitments, and untested or poor quality software. You are looking for ways to improve and you suspect Kanban or Scrumban can help!

You are already using a physical Kanban board to manage your work BUT –

  • Your team is distributed and you are finding it hard to work with a physical board.
  • You are constantly looking for the right stickies for your board.
  • You are fed-up with the overheads of managing physical boards such as –
  1. emailing pictures of the board every day to all your team members or
  2. looking up in supporting Excel sheets for details and cross-references
  3. painfully redrawing the board and putting all stickies back when there is a process change.
  • You want accurate metrics that get computed automatically in real time and provide you great drill-down and rollup visibility

You are already using another electronic Kanban tool or a task-board – and are not happy with it! You want a serious but fun Kanban tool that’s powerful, yet easy to use.

In short, you are serious about improvement, but you want to do it in a sustainable, fun and collaborative way! You want to work with a collaborative and visual management tool – and you want to ensure all teams and stake-holders have the exact same picture of the state of your projects and operations. Kanban and SwiftKanban are the tools you are looking for! To find out more, take a look at our kanban features page or sign up for a free trial!

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