These days, there aren’t too many organizations that are not implementing a Lean or Agile initiative! Usually, most of them implement a mix or a combination of Scrum, Kanban and XP at the team level, or a scaled agile method such as SAFe or LeSS on a larger scale. It is essential that they find the right fit, as each method has its proponents as well as detractors. Depending on the nature of the business, leadership style and culture, etc., teams may find some methods better suited than others for their organization.
One of the most enduring discussions in this process has been the choice of Scrum or Kanban at the team level. At Digité, we believe that that is a false choice. In this month’s newsletter, we share some of the most popular articles on our website that explain our position. We hope you will find them useful!
Kanban vs Scrum or Scrum & Kanban?
In the Kanban 101 segment on our website, we decode the whole concept of “Kanban vs. Scrum” and delve into Scrumban, going through the entire process to make it simple for you.
How Do You “Do” Scrumban?
While Scrumban might seem easy to understand, it is also essential to know how exactly it is practiced. What is the process to implement Scrumban? In this article, Mahesh Singh, Co-founder and CMO, Digité, provides answers to these questions.
Scrum And Kanban Revisited
Going a step further into the discussion about Scrum vs. Kanban, Mike Burrows, Founder – Agendashift, answers several questions surrounding the debate, while also debunking numerous myths associated with it.
The Difference Between The Kanban Method And Scrum
For an in-depth comparison between Scrum and Kanban, see this article by Dave White of Depth Consulting, where he outlines the similarities, differences, as well as similarities with significant differences, and much more across various parameters like goals, increments, learning, cadences, and metrics.
Kanban Brazil – 2021
We’re pleased to announce that we are one of the sponsors for Kanban Brazil 2021. The conference will be held on 25th – 28th October 2021. In this event, you will get to participate in a variety of programs including multiple keynotes, lectures, “Ask an AKC” sessions, and an exclusive Kanban mini-course.