Collaborative OKRs

Collaborate & Conquer: Achieve Your Goals with OKRs

Collaborative OKRs

Collaborate & Conquer: Achieve Your Goals with OKRs

Trusted By Leading Brands


Execute Your Objectives And Key Results (OKRs) Process In Slack!

Collaborative OKRs is a Slack based OKR management system with web dashboards that allows teams to set up, manage and review their OKRs. Here’s a secret about OKRs – the success that you have with OKRs depends on collaboration and course corrections through the period the Objectives are defined for. Most organizations do not need an expensive solution – they do, instead, need a collaborative system where people come together easily to make and receive updates on progess, and make course corrections.

Our system reflects how work really gets done – get the benefits and alignment of OKRs without elaborate tooling setup and maintenance!

OKRs foster a culture of openness and ownership – the solution we are creating works with fairly open cultures, where we can rely on the group to maintain the discipline and trust necessary. Hence our system permits users to choose the right level of OKR access as needed.

Collaboration Dashboard

Collaborative OKRs Features

OKR Dashboard

It provides an at-a-glance view on the objectives and Key Results linked to the OKR System!

OKR Objectives

Here you can gain insights of all the objectives in the Digite Collaborative OKRs. You are also allowed to create a new objective, update those which have been created by you or invited to update. 

OKR Key Results

Here you can create/update the KRs right in the Slack interface. You can also invite your colleagues to update the Key Results.

OKR Global Settings

Here you can manage various roles and objective types.

OKR User Roles

You can also assign roles to each members in your workspace and grant access based on roles. OKRs foster a culture of openness and ownership. Our system permits users to choose the right level of OKR access as needed.


Here we show how close are we to hitting our goals.

Collaborative OKRs System Allows You To Perform (All In Slack!)

Number 001

Set up Objectives at the Company, LOB and Team levels

You can create objectives of 3 different levels and each level can create objectives of the parent objective where the Company level is the highest.

Number 002

Invite people to own KRs against the Objectives

You can invite any number of users to own Key Results of an Objective.

Number 003

Invite collaborators at each level

You can invite users to work together in updating an objective, in updating the data in individual Key Results and so on.

Number 004

Dedicated channels for updates, discussions, and updates

Invited users are added to private channels where people come together easily to make and receive updates on progress.

Welcome to the future of Collaborative OKRs!

Execute Your Objectives And Key Results (OKRs) Process In Slack!