Faster completion of work and lower Lead Time.

– Senior Manager, Faurecia
faurecia 1
Good application, analytics are useful, quick support and resolutions. – Senior Manager, Faurecia
Design replace

Other Case Studies

Kanban has helped in a smooth transition from traditional to Agile behavior

When And How Did You Decide To Implement Kanban?
We decided to implement Kanban for workload management, data sharing, better feedback process, and to get analytics as well.
What business functions have you implemented Kanban in? (IT, Software, Marketing, HR, Purchasing, …)
Product Management.
What Benefits have you Experienced due to Implementing Kanban?
We have been able to delegate tasks better, which has resulted in faster completion of work. We have had our Lead Time shortened. Last but not the least, Kanban has helped in a smooth transition from traditional to Agile behavior.
When did Your Organization Start using SwiftKanban?
Which other tools are currently used in your organization for Lean/ Agile project/ work management?
What are some of the key strengths and weaknesses of SwiftKanban that you could highlight for us?
Good application, analytics are useful, quick support and resolutions.
What are some ways, if any, in which SwiftKanban has made you and your team more effective?
Addressing KPIs
Would you recommend SwiftKanban to others? If yes, could you list the top 3 reasons for doing so?
Yes. User friendly application, well structured, have all required features for our work requirement.
More specifically, can you share any metrics – such as Lead Time, Throughput or Flow Efficiency – that you have seen improve as a result of using Kanban and SwiftKanban, and by how much?
Work efficiency

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