Nimble for Cloud Migration

Effectively manage your Cloud Migrations across Departments, Programs and Projects.

Cloud MigrationTask


Migrating to the cloud can help organizations reduce their operational costs, increase their agility and scalability, and improve their overall efficiency. However, cloud migration is a complex process that requires careful planning, execution, and management. 

Additionally, managing cloud migrations requires a robust change management process that can exhaust Cloud Migration managers, and require them to spend long hours collating data and following up on actions and risks.

Enter Nimble for Cloud Migration.

With configurable checklists, automated workflows that enforce clear lines of progress, and the ability for executives to clearly visualize bottlenecks, Nimble for Cloud Migration makes managing large numbers of migrations easy – and saves managers repetitive reporting and follow ups!

Why use Nimble for Cloud Migration?

We have a migration workflow with configurable checklists that govern progress across migration stages, notifying the right teams on progress.
Clear planning – which supports Sprints for Move Groups embedded into a larger Program construct with clear financial objectives and progress measurements.
We know that not every company has the same migration process – go ahead, modify the checklists to reflect the way you work!

Get Started with Nimble for Cloud Migration today to make managing migrations easy!

Contact us for a Demo!