"MSG Systems has achieved better focus, better communication and Kaizen culture across the team."

– Mathias Böni Principal Business Consultant
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Mathias Boni 100x1001 1
To be honest, SwiftKanban was the only “professional” solution that we could install on our own server. In general, I love the product! – Mathias Böni Principal Business Consultant
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“MSG Systems has achieved better focus, better communication and Kaizen culture across the team.”

Kanban implementation

When and how did you decide to implement Kanban?

When I read David Anderson’s Blue Book and saw the possibilities for my current project back then, 8 years ago. It proved to be a great change.

In what business functions have you implemented Kanban?

Currently mainly Development Projects (e.g. one with a budget of 2.8 million euros), our full accountant workflow, talent management. In 2018, we plan to Kanbanize our Innovation Management and perhaps our Risk Management in general.

What benefits have you already experienced due to implementing Kanban?

Focus, better communication, Kaizen culture throughout the team.

Does your organization use any other Agile method at scale, such as Scrum of Scrums, Disciplined Agile, Safe, others?

Yes, other departments use it, I don’t. Does not fit into the culture of our clients (Public Sector).

How did SwiftKanban help?

When did your organization start using SwiftKanban?

2 years ago, we started this initiative with SwiftKanban.

What other tools did you evaluate before selecting SwiftKanban?

Well, to be honest, no other. SwiftKanban was the only “professional” solution we could install on our own server.

What are some of the key strengths and weaknesses of SwiftKanban that you would like to highlight?

  • a) Overall, I love the product! You guys also care about your customer and it was great working on a Docker solution for the installation (Thanks to your Support and Sales teams!).
  • b) I (already) reported “a ton” of requests for different features and bugs. Thanks for the opportunity! (It would be great to see some of these implemented!)
  • c) I feel (that there is a need for) “enterprise functionalities” to support the organizational structure of a company, for example, to structure Kanban boards and their access to different containers/folders.

What are some ways, if any, that SwiftKanban has made you and your team more efficient?

Visualization, above all.

More specifically, can you share any metrics – such as Lead Time, Throughput, or Flow Efficiency – that you have seen improvements as a result of using Kanban and SwiftKanban, and by how much?

We are not able to share specific metrics. However, our tribal knowledge reflects projects that used to take 4 to 6 months have been reduced to 2 to 3 months. In our most extreme example, we were able to launch an entire product offering in just NINE days.

Would you recommend SwiftKanban to others? If so, could you list the top 3 reasons for doing so?

  • a) Customer service.
  • b) Cutting-edge development for Kanban because David A. is on board.
  • c) Hopefully – once we install SwiftSync – its versatility.

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