Webinar – The Magic of PI Planning and the Program Board

There’s no magic in SAFe®, except maybe for PI planning.  Program Increment (PI) planning in SAFe® is inarguably one of the most important events in SAFe®. In fact, if you are not doing it, you are not ‘doing’ SAFe®.

Yet many organizations fail to do PI planning right and to achieve its full benefits. Please come join Richard Knaster, SAFe® Fellow and Author as he shares his perspectives on PI planning. He will also do a deep dive on the Program Board, which is often greatly misunderstood and if used incorrectly will impede agility, instead of accelerating it.

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About the Speaker:

Richard Knaster, SAFe® Fellow and Principal Consultant, Scaled Agile, Inc.

Richard Knaster SAFeRichard has more than 30 years’ experience in software and systems development, in roles ranging from developer to executive, and has been leading large-scale Agile transformations for well over 15 years. Richard actively works on advancing SAFe®’s Lean-Agile methods as a SAFe® Fellow. As a principal consultant, he is passionate about helping organizations create a better environment for delivering value, improving quality and flow, and being more engaging and fun. Richard is the co-author of SAFe® Distilled and the SAFe® Reference Guide. He is also the author of several white papers on SAFe®.

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