Waterfall Project Planning is Dead. But Long Live Waterfall Planning!

Waterfall Project Planning is Dead. But Long Live Waterfall Planning!

Let’s face it – waterfall project management is dead – or should be – and for good reason.  Agile is the way the world is moving!  However, implementing Agile can be a challenge for most organizations.  One of the biggest challenges of “No upfront planning” for Agile teams is that leadership wants some predictability of projects – and a plan that tells them how you intend to get there!

The Hybrid Agile approach addresses this challenge.  By letting you plan Waterfall but execute Agile!  But how exactly do you implement Hybrid Agile? Can your project management tool handle Hybrid Agile?  This session will address these and other key questions to help you manage projects successfully with Hybrid Agile.

This webinar will be held on July 25, 2024 at 07:30 AM PST | 4:30 PM CEST | 08:00 PM IST


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